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On the far fringes of space a peaceful planet of robots is discovered by two spacefaring computer scientists, Jared Sword and Xella Quine. They befriend the inhabitants of the planet Gearus 9, and after a time Sword returns to Earth to reveal their findings. He takes with him the robot Beeper as proof of their discovery, and the mutual understanding between human and robot culture blossoms. Meanwhile, back on Gearus 9, an isolated Quine slips gently into madness, dominating the peaceful robots, and proclaiming himself Lord Q! Incapable of violence, the robots are easy prey for his schemes and hidden desires of conquest. When Sword and Beeper finally return to the planet, they are confronted by what Quine has become. Sword, being of frail nature, and Beeper, being unable to commit acts of violence, realize what they must do. Using the technology found on Gearus 9 they fuse into one being, part human and part machine. TROPHY is born!
Release date
December 29, 2020

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